Saturday, May 31, 2008
Americade 2008 - Day 4
The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Saturday began with a news report on the local TV station that a checkpoint had been established on I87 at the rest area near exit 18. This was a motorcycle checkpoint. Bikes were being pulled over for inspection of helmets, credentials, pipes, and safety equipment. If a cop had probable cause that you might be in violation, they pulled you over. Here's a link to the news story and a video.
The Americade Message Board was abuzz about this checkpoint. Check it out.
It may be that this was only a one-time thing to sound the alarm that motorcycle violators would not be tolerated this year. Some think the state of NY was just looking for more money. Others think that safety was the only concern since there have been too many motorcycle-related accidents at Americade in recent years. Some riders said they would bypass the checkpoint. Some found themselves with money to pay for riding with no motorcycle endorsement on their driver's license or for wearing a non-DOT approved helmet. It remains to be seen whether the checkpoint will be there when the main Americade traffic starts on Monday. I'll let you know.
The majority of my day was spent at a softball game where my granddaughter played and at a baseball game where my grandson played. We got through the softball game with only a few drops of rain. Such was not the case at the baseball game.
We rode into Saratoga Springs, parked on the street, and walked a couple of blocks to the game site. We carried our canvas chairs and umbrellas with us and parked ourselves high on a grassy area that rose above the right field fence. It was great for a few innings but then the rains came. Thunder was heard. I kept waiting for lightning which never came. When the rain got intense, they called the teams into the dugout and covered the field. We sat in the rain under big umbrellas and waited and waited. Finally the rain let up to a sprinkle and men ran onto the field with sand and dirt and brushed everything clean. It was just like in the major leagues. Then the teams rushed back on the field and resumed playing. Several hits were made and a couple of runs came in. Then the rain started again. It poured and everything was soaked including us. The field was covered and again we waited. We sat there like drowning rats for another 10 minutes of intense downpour. Then, mercifully, the game was called and we slinked over dripping water behind us and piled into the car.
We returned home to get into dry clothes. Jane, daughter, and granddaughter headed back to do shopping -- the rain had stopped. I headed for my laptop to do Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 of my Americade 2008 Blog.
Not much left for today except dinner and relaxation. The trikes sit dry in the garage.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.
Americade 2008 - Day 3
The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Friday started with packing the trikes again in my son's garage in Boonton. Here are the trikes just before I pulled them out to begin on the next leg of our trip.

Today's ride would take us to the Saratoga Springs, NY area where our daughter and two of our grandchildren live.
The ride to Saratoga Springs was straightforward. Just ride north to I87 -- the Northway -- and keep going. However, shortly after Albany, I began noticing a vibration through the footpegs of my trike. That had never happened before. I thought I was on my old '94 Sportster again.
I thought maybe the U-Joints were going. Or maybe it was the trike undercarriage that was loose somewhere. Jane said her trike once felt the same way and we found that one bolt had completely worked itself loose and fallen out. I was getting worried.
As we approached my daughter's place, the vibration was still there. I thought maybe the road surface might be causing it but I just didn't know what to think.
I knew that Motor Trike would be at Americade and that the dealer who built my trike might also be there. Maybe he could look at it and see if there was any obvious problem that could be corrected. I decided to call the dealer who was located in PA. Sure enough, he would be here on Thursday and said he would take a look at it but couldn't promise anything. I expect to go visit Motor Trike soon after Tour-Expo opens on Tuesday to see if anyone else there could take a look at it before Thursday. I continue to be worried about this. First I have to ride the trike another 30 miles to get to Lake George. That will give me another chance to see if the problem is persisting. Wish me luck.
We finished the evening by attending a softball game in which our granddaughter was playing. She just decided one day that she wanted to play softball at age eight and she's pretty good in her first year. Of course I may be prejudiced.
We got there early and Jane, daughter Sue, and granddaughter Caroline got in some family practice. It made for a memorable picture of three generations.

It seems that almost every girl playing softball has long hair and they're all tied back. Caroline is in the middle.

I had no idea how these games are now run. The pitcher could only throw five pitches to one batter before a coach from the same team stepped in to throw two pitches. I guess this allows each batter a better chance of hitting the ball and gaining experience in hitting. These are only eight and nine year old girls.
The game runs a total of 90 minutes. The limit came and it was nearly 7:30 p.m. We headed for a late dinner at McDonald's before heading home.
Tomorrow, Saturday, would bring two more games, one softball and one baseball. Rain was expected.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.
Americade 2008 - Day 2
The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Thursday started with a phone call to the dentist. He could work her in early at 10 a.m. to fix the chipped tooth.
There wasn't much time left to pack and load the trikes. Some had been done Wednesday night with each trike taking command of one side of the garage. The car had to brave the elements outside for the night. The rest of the loading was done Thursday morning.
We did start the trip promptly at 2 p.m. heading up route 9 then to I287 north to route 80 west and then up to Boonton where our son lives. We arrived out front and one of the grandsons suddenly appeared. All he wanted was a quick ride on one of the trikes. That meant a half block ride back and forth across their driveway.
Here are the two trikes as we arrived and our grandson, waiting for a quick, very slow ride.

Just before starting the ride:

The rest of the evening had no motorcycle content. It did involve my son, his two sons, and Jane and I playing a very long game of Monopoly. I hadn't played in thirty years. I was winning big until my real estate oriented son gained the upper hand by acquiring most of the real estate and charging me over $900 for landing on one of his hotels.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.

Comfort, Speed, Action
Honda CS1 environmental friendliness according to standard Euro 2 specified by the Government, applies straightening machine 4 do not 125 cc, SOHC, equiped Liquid cooled Radiator ( air-conditioned radiator of dilution), proven delayed, bandel, energetic, and responsive, makes Honda CS1 as motorbike exponent which suited for urban and balmy applied to be everyday for dressy young circle, active, and love to become cynosure
Nice Motor Cycle
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Americade 2008 - Day 1
The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Wednesday was a hectic day trying to get ready to go on our 2008 Americade trip. This year we are going to visit our son and daughter on the way. We'll also be stopping in to see our daughter on our return trip. Packing has been a problem trying to decide what to take that will still fit on our two trikes.
Jane was out running around on Wednesday and called to say that she had chipped a front tooth and could I make an appointment for her at the dentist. Great timing. I gave her the number and she called back to say that the office was closed and she'd have to wait until Thursday to try to make an appointment. We wanted to be on the road Thursday by 2 p.m. so we now had another worry.
Earlier in the day, Jane was trying to print out my Motorcycle Packing List, when I heard her say, "Someone has stolen your packing list."
I hurried to her computer and saw both my How To, How to Pack a Motorcycle For a Trip, and my packing list on her screen but on someone else's website.
I jotted down the URL and then thought that I should send off an email to the offending webmaster. This happens to me quite a lot. I'm doing a Google search for something and up pops one of my articles on someone else's website. They just see something and grab it as their own often with no mention of where it came from. In this case, I did get a credit but it was to the old site and there was no link to me at all. Within three hours, I got a response promising to take it down. When one spends days and days working on an article or feature and then someone just sees it and takes it, that's just plain wrong.
The rest of the day was spent packing and loading the trikes. Final loading will be on Thursday morning with a 2 p.m. start.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.

Gevestigd te Utrecht

2. Regelmatige bijeenkomsten, liefst op de motor, om "brommers" te kijken en een biertje te drinken, (Note:"Brommers Kieken" is in Drente heel wat anders!), Elke fraaie zaterdag- of zondagmiddag van de maand in cafe's en op terrassen in het Utrechtse landschap.
(Datums n.v.t. wij rijden immers gewoon het hele jaar door)

3. Het bijhouden van een email-adressenbestand van lieden die graag ritjes rijden op een oude motor. Een mailtje is dan voldoende om iedereen (of jouw selectie) uit te nodigen voor een rit.
Een groepsfoto uit de "oude doos" van de leden & belangstellenden van de Dutch Vintage Motorcycle Association. Foto: Archief D.V.M.A.
4. Een rit van de D.V.M.A. gaat voor een andere clubrit.
5. Een bezoek aan het "Engelenland" is een "must!"
6. Bij een gezamenlijk "event" is het eten wat de pot schaft.
7. Respect voor Mens & Machine.
Onze statuten:
De aspirant leden van de club hebben over het algemeen een voorliefde voor exotische Britse motorfietsen van voor de tweede wereldoorlog; het is echter begrijpelijk dat niet iedereen de 1929-TT racer van Stanley Woods in de schuur heeft staan. Wanneer je dus verschijnt op een motor die wat nieuwer of minder Engels is wordt dat nog steeds zeer gewaardeerd.
Olielekken & blauwe walm OK!
Vooroorlogs Prachtig!
Naoorlogs Ook goed
Platte Tank the Flatter-the Better
Aanhangwagentjes liever niet
Brits ijzer Nice
Duitsch ijzer Toll!
Italiaanse brommer Bellisimo
Amerikaans spul Great
Achterstallig onderhoud Geen punt
Checkered Gaaf
Sideburns Stoer
Flat cap Stijlvol
Union Jacks Klasse
Het "Engelenland" Favoriet
Digitale Foto's Opsturen!
D.V.M.A. Website 27 Januari 2007 00.01 uur
D.V.M.A. Weblog 29 mei 2008
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"Sturen als een scheermes, op het scherpst van de snede
Vast stond al dat wij, evenalsook vorig jaar, in Gulpen zouden gaan

Op donderdagmiddag 16 mei vond dan ook de start van

het tentenkamp snel werd opgeslagen en spoedig...
werd begonnen met bereiden van een krachtige
"hapklare Patricks-schotelbraai- chili-con-carne"
maaltijd en een stevige pot Alfa & Brand bier
om de zaak weer te blussen!

het was vooral een natte regenachtige nacht.
De volgende ochtend stralend weer...terwijl het in Utrecht zou regenen.
Sjakie, "De Beul van Boskoop" had zich in alle vroegte bij ons gezelschap gevoegd.
Dus die volgende morgen werd na heerlijk warme douche en een stevig,
"Patricks- schotelbraai's-bacon & eggs" genoten, plannen gemaakt vertrokken voor een 1e stevige rit van Gulpen, Partij, Mechelen, Epen, Eperheide,

Ik realiseer me voor vreemden...
de achteraf onverharde toch wat gevaarlijke Smokkelaarsroute...

ri.1e koffiestop met rijstevla in Cafe Modern te Teuven,
vervolgens terug de grens over richting Kuttingen, Epen, Mechelen,
Partij,Wittem, Eijs, Simpelveld via de ruilverkavelingsweg
(hier in Winterwit...)
naar Etenaken,
Oud Valkenburg Kasteel Schaloen (fotomoment),
Valkenburg, Schin op Geul, Etenaken,Wylre,
Foto: Norbert Coumans uit Klimmen.
naar "ons" terras op de markt Gulpen... alwaar wij al gauw bij het dan prachtige zonnige warme weer de nodige Dortjes in goed gezelschap wisten te proeven...
Kortom volop genieten dus!
Ook moest er nog wat gesleuteld worden...en ja daarbij kwamen
die "omgezaagde" boomstammetjes dus goed van pas!
"Dr.John Norton" hier stoeiend met de rockerbox
van een "gare" Triumph Speed Twin...
Maar ook met "Milwaukee Vibrator" H.D. waren wat probleempjes.
Daarna werd op de camping weer een overheerlijke complete
nasi maaltijd bereid en werd het tot laat buiten zitten und ein bier trinken.
Wie doet je wat...gewoon genieten!
De volgende morgen vroeg zijn de heerlijkste gebakken eitjes met spek naar binnen gewerkt...moest Cristiaan spijtig genoeg terug naar huis en
was General Alex von Schmittenhoven schnell
gearriveerd om deze rit mee te maken...
Het weer was bewolkt en wij gingen op pad voor een 2e rit. Ditmaal bestemming Jean "Showroom Bugatti" Prick te Kleine Spouwen (B).
Na een tankbeurt in het dorp gingen we via Scheulder, IJzeren, Sibbe,
Wolfshuis, Bemelen ri. Maastricht...
waar nog een onverwachte sleutelpauze werd ingelast...
Maastricht, Vroenhoven, Riemst, Kleine Spouwen...
Sjakie voelde zich er al helemaal thuis!
Er werd even bijgepraat en de naar Autovriend Jean "Showroom Bugatti"Prick.
motorfietsverzameling bekeken.
Daarna gingen wij via een omweg...van Kleine Spouwen,Riemst,Vroenhoven naar een echt belgisch Frietkot* alwaar een grote friet met naar binnen werd geslagen...
(*Een frituur, frietkraam of frietkot (meervoud: frietkotten) is een eetgelegenheid waar vooral frieten verkocht en geconsumeerd worden.)
Maastricht,Kadier & Keer,Bemelen, Sibbe,IJzeren,Scheulder,Gulpen.

Daar gingen wij vanwege de dreigende en naderhand pijpenstelen regen wijselijk maar bij Herberg De Zwarte Ruiter op het terras zitten genieten van wederom overheerlijke speciaalbiertjes echter nu met de terrasverwarming aan.

Naderhand gingen wij binnen verder en werd genoten
van een *culinair plaatselijk stoofpotje!
Bereidt door *Chef Kok
*(oude bekende van MGS)

De volgende morgen kwam Pieter "British Motor Works" even speciaal van Utrecht
afscheid nam en naar Parijs vertrok.
een videoclipje...
(Motor-camera: Pieter Kleintjes)
Hier rijden we door Noorbeek, Mheer en Banholt...
heuvelrit, hele stukken Mergellandroute, uit mijn mouw te schudden..
en dat lukte!
Na een goed ontbijt en het al opbreken van het kamp, het was immers de laatse dag,gingen wij van Gulpen, Pesaken,Beutenaken,Slenaken de grens over wederom naar Cafe "Koffiestop" Modern te Teuven. Vervolgens via Beusdal, Sippenaken, terug de grens over via Kuttingen,Epen, Cottessen, de Historische Heuvelklim op haarspelbochtend door het bos ri.Vijlen, Holset,Vijlenerbos, Vaals, Vaalserberg* op naar het bekende *Drielandenpunt...
*(De vaalserberg was ooit een vierlandenpunt. Het stukje land dat als een vlaaipunt tegen de duitse grens aan ligt, was vanaf 1815 het grondgebied van ministaat Moresnet. Zink in de bodem was de aanleiding voor het ontstaan van het neutrale landje tussen Nederland en Pruisen. Zelfs na de Belgische afscheiding in 1839 bleef Moresnet onafhankelijk.Na ruim honderd jaar werd Moresnet in 1918 op verzoek van de inwoners bij Belgie gevoegd.)

Dan maar met Pieter & Sjakie, "we-benne-hier-nog-nooit-geweest" op de plaat*
*(Platentrekkers genoeg uit binnen- & buitenland)
Vervolgens terug richting Vijlen, Mechelen, Epen, Slenaken, Hoogcruts, Noorbeek, Mheer, Banholt, Reijmerstok, Euverem, Gulpen...ri.terras
waar nog een lekker afscheidsbiertje werd genoten
alvorens de terugreis te aanvaarden!
Welnu...voor de afwezigen & "niet-kunners-door-omstandigheden" U hebt best wat gemist...Drie stevige ritten met een totale lengte van zo'n 260 km dwars door NL & B Limburg. Ik vind het nog altijd wel weer leuk om daar te rijden...
Enfin...volgend jaar rijden wij in Noord-Frankrijk of de Achterhoek! Be There!
DANK aan ALLEN die mee hebben gewerkt aan de totstandkoming van deze geslaagde
Het was een weer een fraai gebeuren...alle ingredienten waren aanwezig en volgens mij heeft iedereen, ondanks het minder fraaie maar toch droge weer, genoten. Maar eerlijk gezegd moest ik ook wel weer effe bijkomen onder het genot van... juist ja...
U raadt het al een lekkere pot bier natuurlijk!
Home Sweet Home
Zo dat zit er weer op...
Ik ga nu onder mijn appelboompje maar weer in de hangmat liggen...
en gewoon verder met kranten lezen...
Motoring George Spauwen

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