Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cool Tribute Video to the Hells Angels

Ok, as you can tell I'm missing Sons of Anarchy something fierce. A friend of mine posted this video on my MySpace page and I have to tell you it's seriously a very cool song. Even if you don't belong to a motorcycle club such as the Hells Angels you can appreciate what the song says. The lyrics Fight for your Rights got me in the heart because of how our nation has been rolling lately. As bikers we have to constantly fight for our rights. In some states the right to choice of helmet or no helmet is gone. In some states you get a ticket for the type of pipes you have on your bike. Anyway...I hope you enjoy the song. It has helped my continued thirst for all things SOA and motorcycle clubs these days. I'm about to re-read The Wild Ones again. Maybe winter has finally gotten to me...that's it!!'s a very cool song and video.

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